Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Par+All+EL of JOY!


Again let us rejoice!
With Jacob
As his eyes glow with new sight of Josephs' face
Now he and Joseph rejoin in the newness of embrace
Ears delighting at welcomed sounds of Josephs' voice

Again let us rejoice!
Now Jacob realizes that
Love has kept Joseph and
Prospered his posterity in a strange land
But by a stronger hand

Again let us rejoice!
Because after being deceived by the liar
That Joseph was dead
Now Jacob is resurrected with joy
Knowing Joseph has indeed become ahead

Again let us rejoice!
Seeing Joseph is now alive to bless the whole earth
Revived Jacobs' spirit, now he has a newbirth
Again let us rejoice!
Lord Jesus said, " Before Abraham was I Am"
L E Tucker
Copyright ©2008 L E Tucker

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